To commerorate the tragic death yesterday of Robin Williams, Secret Cinema is collaborating with UK mental health charity Mind for a special charity screening of Dead Poets Society. The event will take place at the Troxy on Commercial Road, East London this Friday at 7.30pm. Live poetry, music, performance and special guests will make this a not to miss event.
Tickets will cost £25.00 per person with all proceeds to go to Mind.
There is also the opportunity to set up your own screenings outside of London and interested parties are invited to contact Secret Cinema via seizetheday@secretcinema.org.
Paul Farmer, Mind Chief Executive, said: “We are incredibly appreciative that Secret Cinema has decided to honour Robin Williams in this way. The funds raised from this event will help Mind to be there for the one in four people who have a mental health problem so they get the support they need and the respect they deserve."
Fabien Riggall, Founder and Director of Secret Cinema said: “We are looking for people everywhere to join us in staging a screening to honour the memory and amazing light of Robin Williams. All profits from our screening will go to Mind, a vital and brilliant charity supporting those suffering from mental health problems, and we encourage others to donate what they can as well. I see culture as therapy and a tonic. Robin Williams inspired so much in so many of us, I believe cinema should give back to those leading lights who give so much.”
For tickets and further information please visit:
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