Julie Kagawa recently wrapped up the Iron Fey series with the fourth and final novel The Iron Knight which we reviewed earlier this week. We caught up with Julie to discuss the series and what she has in store for us in the future.
What was your favourite chapter to write and why? What was your least favourite chapter?
My favourite chapter in The Iron Knight is probably the third and final trial of the Testing Grounds. I can't say anything more because of spoilers, but I got to write Ash in a completely new and unique way, as something that he's never been before. I think my least favourite chapter was a certain scene with the characters’ evil dopplegangers, because it was hard keeping track of who was where and what they were doing.
Were there any story lines that you wanted to explore in the series but that somehow didn't fit? Would you ever consider releasing your "outtakes"?
Nothing in Iron Knight stands out; I had a pretty clear cut idea of how the story was going to go. There were just a few deleted scenes that never made it into the book. But the Iron Fey website actually has a few of these outtakes if you want to take a look.
Who is your least favourite character in the Iron Fey series? Were there any characters you were disappointed in?

My favourite character would have to be Ash, because I love my dark, brooding bad boys with swords. Though Grimalkin runs a very close second. And I don't dislike any of the characters, not even the bad guys. I try to make every character unique, even the ones that don't get much page time, so it's hard to be apathetic towards any of them.
What is your worst habit as a writer? Do you have a really bad habit that somehow works and gives you brilliant results?
Um, no. Lol, my worst habit is being very distracted by Twitter and email and the internet in general. Whenever I'm stuck, or even bored, I open up Tweetdeck to see what's going on. This does not give me brilliant results, this just makes me frantic when deadlines roll around. ;-)
What are you working on now? I really liked that you brought out novellas to supplement the Iron Fey series. Is this something that you will continue to do in future?
Right now I'm working on my new series Blood of Eden, which will feature post-apocalyptic vampires. The novellas were actually the idea of my publisher, and will probably continue to come out between books. To follow Winter’s Passage and Summer’s Crossing, there just might be another in the works. But I can say no more right now!
It is good to hear that we have more to look forward from Julie Kagawa and I look forward to the Blood of Eden series. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, Julie.